Package 'kgrams'

Title: Classical k-gram Language Models
Description: Training and evaluating k-gram language models in R, supporting several probability smoothing techniques, perplexity computations, random text generation and more.
Authors: Valerio Gherardi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Valerio Gherardi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.2.1
Built: 2025-02-12 05:43:27 UTC

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String concatenation


String concatenation


lhs %+% rhs



a string or vector of strings.


a string or vector of strings.


The expression lhs %+% rhs is equivalent to paste(lhs, rhs, sep = " ", collapse = NULL, recycle0 = FALSE). See paste for more details.


a string or vector of strings.


Valerio Gherardi

Brief synthax for string concatenation.

See Also



"i love" %+% c("cats", "jazz", "you")

Word dictionaries


Construct or coerce to and from a dictionary.


dictionary(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kgram_freqs'
dictionary(object, size = NULL, cov = NULL, thresh = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
  .preprocess = identity,
  size = NULL,
  cov = NULL,
  thresh = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'connection'
  .preprocess = identity,
  size = NULL,
  cov = NULL,
  thresh = NULL,
  max_lines = Inf,
  batch_size = max_lines,


## S3 method for class 'kgrams_dictionary'

## S3 method for class 'character'

## S3 method for class 'kgrams_dictionary'
as.character(x, ...)



object from which to extract a dictionary, or to be coerced to dictionary.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


either NULL or a length one positive integer. Predefined size of the required dictionary (the top size most frequent words are retained).


either NULL or a length one numeric between 0 and 1. Predefined text coverage fraction of the dictionary (the most frequent words providing the required coverage are retained).


either NULL or length one a positive integer. Minimum word count threshold to include a word in the dictionary.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Optional preprocessing transformation applied to text before creating the dictionary.


a length one positive integer or Inf. Maximum number of lines to be read from the connection. If Inf, keeps reading until the End-Of-File.


a length one positive integer less than or equal to max_lines.Size of text batches when reading text from connection.


a dictionary.


These generic functions are used to build dictionary objects, or to coerce from other formats to dictionary, and from a dictionary to a character vector. By now, the only non-trivial type coercible to dictionary is character, in which case each entry of the input vector is considered as a single word. Coercion from dictionary to character returns the list of words included in the dictionary as a regular character vector.

Dictionaries can be extracted from kgram_freqs objects, or built from text coming either directly from a character vector or a connection.

A single preprocessing transformation can be applied before processing the text for unique words. After preprocessing, anything delimited by one or more white space characters in the transformed text input is counted as a word and may be added to the dictionary modulo additional constraints.

The possible constraints for including a word in the dictionary can be of three types: (i) fixed size of dictionary, implemented by the size argument; (ii) fixed text covering fraction, as specified by the cov argument; or (iii) minimum word count threshold, thresh argument. Only one of these constraints can be applied at a time, so that specifying more than one of size, cov or thresh results in an error.


A dictionary for dictionary() and as_dictionary(), a character vector for the as.character() method.


Valerio Gherardi


# Building a dictionary from Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"

dict <- dictionary(much_ado)
query(dict, "leonato") # TRUE
query(dict, c("thy", "thou")) # c(TRUE, TRUE)
query(dict, "smartphones") # FALSE

# Getting list of words as regular character vector
words <- as.character(dict)

# Building a dictionary from a list of words
dict <- as_dictionary(c("i", "the", "a"))

Special Tokens


Return Begin-Of-Sentence, End-Of-Sentence and Unknown-Word special tokens.






These functions return the internal representation of BOS, EOS and UNK tokens respectively. Their actual returned values are irrelevant and their only purpose is to simplify queries of k-gram counts and probabilities involving the special tokens, as shown in the examples.


a string representing the appropriate special token.


Valerio Gherardi


f <- kgram_freqs("a b b a b", 2)
query(f, c(BOS(), EOS(), UNK()))

m <- language_model(f, "add_k", k = 1)
probability(c("a", "b") %|% BOS(), m)
probability("a b b a" %+% EOS(), m)

# The actual values of BOS(), EOS() and UNK() are irrelevant
c(BOS(), EOS(), UNK())

k-gram Frequency Tables


Extract k-gram frequency counts from a text or a connection.

Principal methods supported by objects of class kgram_freqs

  • query(): query k-gram counts from the table. See query

  • probability(): compute word continuation and sentence probabilities using Maximum Likelihood estimates. See probability.

  • language_model(): build a k-gram language model using various probability smoothing techniques. See language_model.


kgram_freqs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  .preprocess = identity,
  .tknz_sent = identity,
  dict = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'kgram_freqs'
kgram_freqs(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
  .preprocess = identity,
  .tknz_sent = identity,
  dict = NULL,
  open_dict = is.null(dict),
  verbose = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'connection'
  .preprocess = identity,
  .tknz_sent = identity,
  dict = NULL,
  open_dict = is.null(dict),
  verbose = FALSE,
  max_lines = Inf,
  batch_size = max_lines,

  .preprocess = attr(freqs, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(freqs, ".tknz_sent"),
  open_dict = TRUE,
  in_place = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'character'
  .preprocess = attr(freqs, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(freqs, ".tknz_sent"),
  open_dict = TRUE,
  in_place = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'connection'
  .preprocess = attr(freqs, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(freqs, ".tknz_sent"),
  open_dict = TRUE,
  in_place = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  max_lines = Inf,
  batch_size = max_lines,



any type allowed by the available methods. The type defines the behaviour of kgram_freqs() as a default constructor, a copy constructor or a constructor of a non-trivial object. See ‘Details’.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Optional preprocessing transformation applied to text before k-gram tokenization. See ‘Details’.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Optional sentence tokenization step applied to text after preprocessing and before k-gram tokenization. See ‘Details’.


anything coercible to class dictionary. Optional pre-specified word dictionary.


a length one integer. Maximum order of k-grams to be considered.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, any new word encountered during processing not appearing in the original dictionary is included into the dictionary. Otherwise, new words are replaced by an unknown word token. It is by default TRUE if dict is specified, FALSE otherwise.


Print current progress to the console.


a length one positive integer or Inf. Maximum number of lines to be read from the connection. If Inf, keeps reading until the End-Of-File.


a length one positive integer less than or equal to max_lines.Size of text batches when reading text from connection.


a character vector or a connection. Source of text from which k-gram frequencies are to be extracted.


a kgram_freqs object, to which new k-gram counts from text are to be added.


TRUE or FALSE. Should the initial kgram_freqs object be modified in place?


The function kgram_freqs() is a generic constructor for objects of class kgram_freqs, i.e. k-gram frequency tables. The constructor from integer returns an empty 'kgram_freqs' of fixed order, with an optional predefined dictionary (which can be empty) and .preprocess and .tknz_sent functions to be used as defaults in other kgram_freqs methods. The constructor from kgram_freqs returns a copy of an existing object, and it is provided because, in general, kgram_freqs objects have reference semantics, as discussed below.

The following discussion focuses on process_sentences() generic, as well as on the character and connection methods of the constructor kgram_freqs(). These functions extract k-gram frequency counts from a text source, which may be either a character vector or a connection. The second option is useful if one wants to avoid loading the full text corpus in physical memory, allowing to process text from different sources such as files, compressed files or URLs.

The returned object is of class kgram_freqs (a thin wrapper around the internal C++ class where all k-gram computations take place). kgram_freqs objects have methods for querying bare k-gram frequencies (query) and maximum likelihood estimates of sentence probabilities or word continuation probabilities (see probability)) . More importantly kgram_freqs objects are used to create language_model objects, which support various probability smoothing techniques.

The function kgram_freqs() is used to construct a new kgram_freqs object, initializing it with the k-gram counts from the text input, whereas process_sentences() is used to add k-gram counts from a new text to an existing kgram_freqs object, freqs. In this second case, the initial object freqs can either be modified in place (for in_place == TRUE, the default) or by making a copy (in_place == FALSE), see the examples below. The final object is returned invisibly when modifying in place, visibly in the second case. It is worth to mention that modifying in place a kgram_freqs object freqs will also affect language_model objects created from freqs with language_model(), which will also be updated with the new information. If one wants to avoid this behaviour, one can make copies using either the kgram_freqs() copy constructor, or the in_place = FALSE argument.

The dict argument allows to provide an initial set of known words. Subsequently, one can either work with such a closed dictionary (open_dict == FALSE), or extended the dictionary with all new words encountered during k-gram processing (open_dict == TRUE) .

The .preprocess and .tknz_sent functions are applied before k-gram counting takes place, and are in principle arbitrary transformations of the original text. After preprocessing and sentence tokenization, each line of the transformed input is presented to the k-gram counting algorithm as a separate sentence (these sentences are implicitly padded with N - 1 Begin-Of-Sentence (BOS) and one End-Of-Sentence (EOS) tokens, respectively. This is illustrated in the examples). For basic usage, this package offers the utilities preprocess and tknz_sent. Notice that, strictly speaking, there is some redundancy in these two arguments, as the processed input to the k-gram counting algorithm is .tknz_sent(.preprocess(text)). They appear explicitly as separate arguments for two main reasons:

  • The presence of .tknz_sent is a reminder of the fact that sentences have to be explicitly separeted in different entries of the processed input, in order for kgram_freqs() to append the correct Begin-Of-Sentence and End-Of-Sentence paddings to each sentence.

  • At prediction time (e.g. with probability), by default only .preprocess is applied when computing conditional probabilities, whereas both .preprocess() and .tknz_sent() are applied when computing sentence absolute probabilities.


A kgram_freqs class object: k-gram frequency table storing k-gram counts from text. For process_sentences(), the updated kgram_freqs object is returned invisibly if in_place is TRUE, visibly otherwise.


Valerio Gherardi

See Also

query, probability language_model, dictionary


# Build a k-gram frequency table from a character vector

f <- kgram_freqs("a b b a a", 3)
query(f, c("a", "b")) # c(3, 2)
query(f, c("a b", "a" %+% EOS(), BOS() %+% "a b")) # c(1, 1, 1)
query(f, "a b b a") # NA (counts for k-grams of order k > 3 are not known)

process_sentences("b", f)
query(f, c("a", "b")) # c(3, 3): 'f' is updated in place

f1 <- process_sentences("b", f, in_place = FALSE)
query(f, c("a", "b")) # c(3, 3): 'f' is copied
query(f1, c("a", "b")) # c(3, 4): the new 'f1' stores the updated counts

# Build a k-gram frequency table from a file connection

## Not run: 
f <- kgram_freqs(file("my_text_file.txt"), 3)

## End(Not run)

# Build a k-gram frequency table from an URL connection
## Not run: 
f <- kgram_freqs(url(""), 3)

## End(Not run)

k-gram Language Models


Build a k-gram language model.

Principal methods supported by objects of class language_model

  • probability(): compute word continuation and sentence probabilities. See probability.

  • sample_sentences(): generate random text by sampling from the language model probability distribution at arbitary temperature. See sample_sentences.

  • perplexity(): Compute the language model perplexity on a test corpus. See perplexity.


language_model(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'language_model'
language_model(object, ...)

## S3 method for class 'kgram_freqs'
language_model(object, smoother = "ml", N = param(object, "N"), ...)



an object which stores the information required to build the k-gram model. At present, necessarily a kgram_freqs object, or a language_model object of which a copy is desired (see Details).


possible additional parameters required by the smoother.


a length one character vector. Indicates the smoothing technique to be applied to compute k-gram continuation probabilities. A list of available smoothers can be obtained with smoothers(), and further information on a particular smoother through info().


a length one integer. Maximum order of k-grams to use in the language model. This muss be less than or equal to the order of the underlying kgram_freqs object.


These generics are used to construct objects of class language_model. The language_model method is only needed to create copies of language_model objects (that is to say, new copies which are not altered by methods which modify the original object in place, see e.g. parameters). The discussion below focuses on language models and the kgram_freqs method.

kgrams supports several k-gram language models, including Interpolated Kneser-Ney, Stupid Backoff and others (see smoothers). The objects created by language_models() have methods for computing word continuation and sentence probabilities (see probability), random text generation (see sample_sentences) and other type of language modeling tasks such as computing perplexities and word prediction accuracies.

Smoothers have often tuning parameters, which need to be specified by (exact) name through the ... arguments; otherwise, language_model() will use default values and, once per session, throw a warning. info(smoother) lists all parameters needed by a specific smoother, together with their allowed parameter space.

The run-time of language_model() may vary substantially for different smoothing methods, depending on whether or not a method requires the computation of additional quantities (that is to say, beyond k-gram counts) for its operativity (this is, for instance, the case for the Kneser-Ney smoother).


A language_model object.


Valerio Gherardi


# Create an interpolated Kneser-Ney 2-gram language model

freqs <- kgram_freqs("a a b a a b a b a b a b", 2)
model <- language_model(freqs, "kn", D = 0.5)
probability("a" %|% "b", model)

# For more examples, see ?probability, ?sample_sentences and ?perplexity.

A Midsummer Night's Dream


The entire play "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from William Shakespeare.




A length one character vector, containing the entire text of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" from William Shakespeare. The script used for generating this file is available here


See Also




Much Ado About Nothing


The entire play "Much Ado About Nothing" from William Shakespeare.




A length one character vector, containing the entire text of "Much Ado About Nothing" from William Shakespeare. The script used for generating this file is available here


See Also




Language Model Parameters


Get and set parameters of a language model.


param(object, which)

## S3 method for class 'kgram_freqs'
param(object, which)

param(object, which) <- value




a language_model or kgram_freqs class object.


a string. Name of the parameter to get or set.


new value for the parameter specified by which. Typically a length one numeric.


These functions are used to retrieve or modify the parameters of a language_model or a kgram_freqs object. Any object of, or inheriting from, any of these two classes has at least two parameters:

  • N: higher order of k-grams considered in the model for language_model, or stored in memory for kgram_freqs.

  • V: size of the dictionary (excluding the special tokens BOS(), EOS(), UNK()).

For an object of class kgram_freqs, these are the only parameters, and they are read-only. language_models allow to set N less than or equal to the order of the underlying kgram_freqs object.

In addition to these, language_models can have additional parameters, e.g. discount values or interpolation constants, depending on the particular smoother employed by the model. A list of parameters available for a given smoother can be obtained through info() (see smoothers).

It is important to mention that setting a parameter is an in-place operation. This implies that if, say, object m is a language_model object, the code m1 <- m ; param(m1, which) <- value will set the parameter which to value both for m1 and m. The reason for this is that, behind the scenes, both m and m1 are pointers to the same C++ object. In order to create a true copy, one can use the copy constructor language_model(), see language_model.


a list for parameters(), a single value, typically numeric, for param() and param()<- (the new value, in this last case).


# Get and set k-gram model parameters

f <- kgram_freqs("a a b a b", 3)
param(f, "N")

m <- language_model(f, "sbo", lambda = 0.2)
param(m, "V")
param(m, "lambda")
param(m, "N") <- 2
param(m, "lambda") <- 0.4

if (FALSE) {
        param(m, "V") <- 5 # Error: dictionary size cannot be set.  

if (FALSE) {
        param(f, "N") <- 4 # Error: parameters of 'kgram_freqs' cannot be set  

m1 <- m
param(m1, "lambda") <- 0.5
param(m, "lambda") # 0.5 ; param() modifies 'm' by reference!

m2 <- language_model(m) # This creates a true copy
param(m2, "lambda") <- 0.6
param(m, "lambda") # 0.5

Language Model Perplexities


Compute language model perplexities on a test corpus.


  .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
  exp = TRUE,

## S3 method for class 'character'
  .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
  exp = TRUE,
  detailed = FALSE,

## S3 method for class 'connection'
  .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),
  exp = TRUE,
  batch_size = Inf,



a character vector or connection. Test corpus from which language model perplexity is computed.


an object of class language_model.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Preprocessing transformation applied to input before computing perplexity.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Optional sentence tokenization step applied before computing perplexity.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, returns the actual perplexity - exponential of cross-entropy per token - otherwise returns its natural logarithm.


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


TRUE or FALSE. If TRUE, the output has a "details" attribute, which is a data-frame containing the cross-entropy of each individual sentence tokenized from text.


a length one positive integer or Inf. Size of text batches when reading text from a connection. If Inf, all input text is processed in a single batch.


These generic functions are used to compute a language_model perplexity on a test corpus, which may be either a plain character vector of text, or a connection from which text can be read in batches. The second option is useful if one wants to avoid loading the full text in physical memory, and allows to process text from different sources such as files, compressed files or URLs.

"Perplexity" is defined here, following Ref. (Chen and Goodman 1999), as the exponential of the normalized language model cross-entropy with the test corpus. Cross-entropy is normalized by the total number of words in the corpus, where we include the End-Of-Sentence tokens, but not the Begin-Of-Sentence tokens, in the word count.

The custom .preprocess and .tknz_sent arguments allow to apply transformations to the text corpus before the perplexity computation takes place. By default, the same functions used during model building are employed, c.f. kgram_freqs and language_model.

A note of caution is in order. Perplexity is not defined for all language models available in kgrams. For instance, smoother "sbo" (i.e. Stupid Backoff (Brants et al. 2007)) does not produce normalized probabilities, and this is signaled by a warning (shown once per session) if the user attempts to compute the perplexity for such a model. In these cases, when possible, perplexity computations are performed anyway case, as the results might still be useful (e.g. to tune the model's parameters), even if their probabilistic interpretation does no longer hold.


a number. Perplexity of the language model on the test corpus.


Valerio Gherardi


Brants T, Popat AC, Xu P, Och FJ, Dean J (2007). “Large Language Models in Machine Translation.” In Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL), 858–867.

Chen SF, Goodman J (1999). “An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling.” Computer Speech & Language, 13(4), 359–394.


# Train 4-, 6-, and 8-gram models on Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing",
# compute their perplexities on the training and test corpora.
# We use Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as test.

train <- much_ado
test <- midsummer

tknz <- function(text) tknz_sent(text, keep_first = TRUE)
f <- kgram_freqs(train, 8, .tknz_sent = tknz)
m <- language_model(f, "kn", D = 0.75)

# Compute perplexities for 4-, 6-, and 8-gram models 
FUN <- function(N) {
        param(m, "N") <- N
        c(train = perplexity(train, m), test = perplexity(test, m))
sapply(c("N = 4" = 4, "N = 6" = 6, "N = 8" = 8), FUN)

Text preprocessing


A minimal text preprocessing utility.


preprocess(input, erase = "[^.?!:;'[:alnum:][:space:]]", lower_case = TRUE)



a character vector.


a length one character vector. Regular expression matching parts of text to be erased from input. The default removes anything not alphanumeric ([A-z0-9]), space (white space, tab, vertical tab, newline, form feed, carriage return), apostrophes or punctuation characters ("[.?!:;]").


a length one logical vector. If TRUE, puts everything to lower case.


The expressions preprocess(x, erase = pattern, lower_case = TRUE) and preprocess(x, erase = pattern, lower_case = FALSE) are roughly equivalent to tolower(gsub(pattern, "", x)) and gsub(pattern, "", x), respectively, provided that the regular expression 'pattern' is correctly recognized by R.

Note. This function, as well as tknz_sent, are included in the library for illustrative purposes only, and are not optimized for performance. Furthermore (for performance reasons) the function has a separate implementation for Windows and UNIX OS types, respectively, so that results obtained in the two cases may differ slightly. In contexts that require full reproducibility, users are encouraged to define their own preprocessing and tokenization custom functions - or to work with externally processed data.


a character vector containing the processed output.


Valerio Gherardi


preprocess("#This Is An Example@-@!#")

Language Model Probabilities


Compute sentence probabilities and word continuation conditional probabilities from a language model


probability(object, model, .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'kgrams_word_context'
probability(object, model, .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"), ...)

## S3 method for class 'character'
  .preprocess = attr(model, ".preprocess"),
  .tknz_sent = attr(model, ".tknz_sent"),



a character vector for sentence probabilities, a word-context conditional expression created with the conditional operator ⁠%|%⁠ (see word_context). for word continuation probabilities.


an object of class language_model.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Preprocessing transformation applied to input before computing probabilities


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


a function taking a character vector as input and returning a character vector as output. Optional sentence tokenization step applied before computing sentence probabilities.


The generic function probability() is used to obtain both sentence unconditional probabilities (such as Prob("I was starting to feel drunk")) and word continuation conditional probabilities (such as Prob("you" | "i love")). In plain words, these probabilities answer the following related but conceptually different questions:

  • Sentence probability Prob(s): what is the probability that extracting a single sentence (from a corpus of text, say) we will obtain exactly 's'?

  • Continuation probability Prob(w|c): what is the probability that a given context 'c' will be followed exactly by the word 'w'?

In order to compute continuation probabilities (i.e. Prob(w|c)), one must create conditional expressions with the infix operator ⁠%|%⁠, as shown in the examples below. Both probability and ⁠%|%⁠ are vectorized with respect to words (left hand side of ⁠%|%⁠), but the context must be a length one character (right hand side of ⁠%|%⁠).

The input is treated as in query for what concerns word tokenization: anything delimited by (one or more) white space(s) is tokenized as a word. For sentence probabilities, Begin-Of-Sentence and End-Of-Sentence paddings are implicitly added to the input, but specifying them explicitly does not produce wrong results as BOS and EOS tokens are ignored by probability() (see the examples below). For continuation probabilities, any context of more than N - 1 words (where N is the k-gram order the language model) is truncated to the last N - 1 words.

By default, the same .preprocess() and .tknz_sent() functions used during model building are applied to the input, but this can be overriden with arbitrary functions. Notice that the .tknz_sent can be useful (for sentence probabilities) if e.g. the input is a length one unprocessed character vector.


a numeric vector. Probabilities of the sentences or word continuations.


Valerio Gherardi


# Usage of probability()

f <- kgram_freqs("a b b a b a b", 2)

m <- language_model(f, "add_k", k = 1)
probability(c("a", "b", EOS(), UNK()) %|% BOS(), m) # c(0.4, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
probability("a" %|% UNK(), m) # not NA

Query k-gram frequency tables or dictionaries


Return the frequency count of k-grams in a k-gram frequency table, or whether words are contained in a dictionary.


query(object, x)

## S3 method for class 'kgram_freqs'
query(object, x)

## S3 method for class 'kgrams_dictionary'
query(object, x)



a kgram_freqs or dictionary class object.


a character vector. A list of k-grams if object is of class kgram_freqs, a list of words if object is a dictionary.


This generic has slightly different behaviors when querying for the presence of words in a dictionary and for k-gram counts in a frequency table respectively. For words, query() looks for exact matches between the input and the dictionary entries. Queries of Begin-Of-Sentence (BOS()) and End-Of-Sentence (EOS()) tokens always return TRUE, and queries of the Unknown-Word token return FALSE (see special_tokens).

On the other hand, queries of k-gram counts first perform a word level tokenization, so that anything separated by one or more space characters in the input is considered as a single word (thus, for instance queries of strings such as "i love you", " i love you"), or "i love you ") all produce the same outcome). Moreover, querying for any word outside the underlying dictionary returns the counts corresponding to the Unknown-Word token (UNK()) (e.g., if the word "prcsrn" is outside the dictionary, querying "i love prcsrn" is the same as querying paste("i love", UNK())). Queries from k-grams of order k > N will return NA.

A subsetting equivalent of query, with synthax object[x] is available (see the examples). query(object, x). The query of the empty string "" returns the total count of words, including the EOS and UNK tokens, but not the BOS token.

See also the examples below.


an integer vector, containing k-gram counts of x, if object is a kgram_freqs class object, a logical vector if object is a dictionary. Vectorized over x.


Valerio Gherardi


# Querying a k-gram frequency table
f <- kgram_freqs("a a b a b b a b", N = 2)
query(f, c("a", "b")) # query single words
query(f, c("a b")) # query a 2-gram
identical(query(f, "c"), query(f, "d"))  # TRUE, both "c" and "d" are <UNK>
identical(query(f, UNK()), query(f, "c")) # TRUE
query(f, EOS()) # 1, since text is a single sentence
f[c("b b", "b")] # query with subsetting synthax 
f[""] # 9 (includes the EOS token)

# Querying a dictionary
d <- as_dictionary(c("a", "b"))
query(d, c("a", "b", "c")) # query some words
query(d, c(BOS(), EOS(), UNK())) # c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
d["a"] # query with subsetting synthax

Random Text Generation


Sample sentences from a language model's probability distribution.


sample_sentences(model, n, max_length, t = 1)



an object of class language_model.


an integer. Number of sentences to sample.


an integer. Maximum length of sampled sentences.


a positive number. Sampling temperature (optional); see Details.


This function samples sentences according the prescribed language model's probability distribution, with an optional temperature parameter. The temperature transform of a probability distribution is defined by p(t) = exp(log(p) / t) / Z(t) where Z(t) is the partition function, fixed by the normalization condition sum(p(t)) = 1.

Sampling is performed word by word, using the already sampled string as context, starting from the Begin-Of-Sentence context (i.e. N - 1 BOS tokens). Sampling stops either when an End-Of-Sentence token is encountered, or when the string exceeds max_length, in which case a truncated output is returned.

Some language models may give a non-zero probability to the the Unknown word token, but this is never produced in text generated by sample_sentences(): when randomly sampled, it is simply ignored.

Finally, a word of caution on some special smoothers: "sbo" smoother (Stupid Backoff), does not produce normalized continuation probabilities, but rather continuation scores. Sampling is here performed by assuming that Stupid Backoff scores are proportional to actual probabilities. 'ml' smoother (Maximum Likelihood) does not assign probabilities when the k-gram count of the context is zero. When this happens, the next word is chosen uniformly at random from the model's dictionary.


a character vector of length n. Random sentences generated from the language model's distribution.


Valerio Gherardi


# Sample sentences from 8-gram Kneser-Ney model trained on Shakespeare's
# "Much Ado About Nothing"

### Prepare the model and set seed
freqs <- kgram_freqs(much_ado, 8, .tknz_sent = tknz_sent)
model <- language_model(freqs, "kn", D = 0.75)

sample_sentences(model, n = 3, max_length = 10)

### Sampling at high temperature
sample_sentences(model, n = 3, max_length = 10, t = 100)

### Sampling at low temperature
sample_sentences(model, n = 3, max_length = 10, t = 0.01)

k-gram Probability Smoothers


Information on available k-gram continuation probability smoothers.

List of smoothers currently supported by kgrams

  • "ml": Maximum Likelihood estimate (Markov 1913).

  • "add_k": Add-k smoothing (Dale and Laplace 1995; Lidstone 1920; Johnson 1932; Jeffreys 1998).

  • "abs": Absolute discounting (Ney and Essen 1991).

  • "wb": Witten-Bell smoothing (Bell et al. 1990; Witten and Bell 1991)

  • "kn": Interpolated Kneser-Ney. (Kneser and Ney 1995; Chen and Goodman 1999).

  • "mkn": Interpolated modified Kneser-Ney. (Chen and Goodman 1999).

  • "sbo": Stupid Backoff (Brants et al. 2007).






a string. Code name of probability smoother.


smoothers() returns a character vector, the list of code names of probability smoothers available in kgrams. info(smoother) returns NULL (invisibly) and prints some information on the selected smoothing technique.


Valerio Gherardi


Bell TC, Cleary JG, Witten IH (1990). Text compression. Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Brants T, Popat AC, Xu P, Och FJ, Dean J (2007). “Large Language Models in Machine Translation.” In Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning (EMNLP-CoNLL), 858–867.

Chen SF, Goodman J (1999). “An empirical study of smoothing techniques for language modeling.” Computer Speech & Language, 13(4), 359–394.

Dale AI, Laplace P (1995). Philosophical essay on probabilities. Springer.

Jeffreys H (1998). The theory of probability. OUP Oxford.

Johnson WE (1932). “Probability: The deductive and inductive problems.” Mind, 41(164), 409–423.

Kneser R, Ney H (1995). “Improved backing-off for M-gram language modeling.” 1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 1, 181-184 vol.1.

Lidstone GJ (1920). “Note on the general case of the Bayes-Laplace formula for inductive or a posteriori probabilities.” Transactions of the Faculty of Actuaries, 8(182-192), 13.

Markov AA (1913). “Essai d'une Recherche Statistique Sur le Texte du Roman Eugene Oneguine.” Bull. Acad. Imper. Sci. St. Petersburg, 7.

Ney H, Essen U (1991). “On smoothing techniques for bigram-based natural language modelling.” In Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, IEEE International Conference on, 825–828. IEEE Computer Society.

Witten IH, Bell TC (1991). “The zero-frequency problem: Estimating the probabilities of novel events in adaptive text compression.” Ieee transactions on information theory, 37(4), 1085–1094.


# List available smoothers

# Get information on smoother "kn", i.e. Interpolated Kneser-Ney

Sentence tokenizer


Extract sentences from a batch of text lines.


tknz_sent(input, EOS = "[.?!:;]+", keep_first = FALSE)



a character vector.


a regular expression matching an End-Of-Sentence delimiter.


TRUE or FALSE? Should the first character of the matches be appended to the returned sentences (with a space)?


tknz_sent() splits text into sentences, where sentence delimiters are specified by a regular expression through the EOS argument. Specifically, when an EOS token is found, the next sentence begins at the first position in the input string not containing any of the EOS tokens or white space (so that entries like "Hi there!!!" or "Hello . . ." are both recognized as a single sentence).

If keep_first is FALSE, the delimiters are stripped off from the returned sequences. Otherwise, the first character of the substrings matching the EOS regular expressions are appended to the corresponding sentences, preceded by a white space.

In the absence of any EOS delimiter, tknz_sent() returns the input as is, since parts of text corresponding to different entries of the input vector x are understood as parts of separate sentences.

Note. This function, as well as preprocess, are included in the library for illustrative purposes only, and are not optimized for performance. Furthermore (for performance reasons) the function has a separate implementation for Windows and UNIX OS types, respectively, so that results obtained in the two cases may differ slightly. In contexts that require full reproducibility, users are encouraged to define their own preprocessing and tokenization custom functions - or to work with externally processed data.


a character vector, each entry of which corresponds to a single sentence.


Valerio Gherardi


tknz_sent("Hi there! I'm using kgrams.")

Word-context conditional expression


Create word-context conditional expression with the ⁠%|%⁠ operator.


word %|% context



a character vector. Word or words to include as the variable part of the conditional expression.


a character vector of length one. The fixed (or "given") part of the conditional expression.


The intuitive meaning of the operator ⁠%|%⁠ is that of the mathematical symbol | (given). This operator is used to create conditional expressions representing the occurrence of some word after a given context (for instance, the expression "you" %|% "i love" would represent the occurrence of the word "you" after the string "i love"). The purpose of ⁠%|%⁠ is to create objects which can be given as input to probability() (see probability for further examples).


a word_context class object.


Valerio Gherardi


f <- kgram_freqs(much_ado, 2, .tknz_sent = tknz_sent)
m <- language_model(f, "kn", D = 0.5)
probability("leonato" %|% "enter", m)